2:00 PM
1. CALL TO ORDER: Jackie Young called the meeting to order at 2 pm at the Clayton Library. Members present were: Jackie Young, Kathleen Stevens, Jill Britt, LaJean Corbett, Renard Chatman, and James Lee. Members absent were Bobby Sheppard and the ex-officio. 2. MINUTES – March 16, 2022 Mr. Chatman moved to accept the minutes as mailed and Mr. Lee seconded the motion. Motion carried. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (Comments limited to 5 minutes) None 4. REPORTS A. Circulation: Director went through March and April statistics and March improved and April close to the preceding year. (See Attachment)-
- March
- April
- Current Balance Sheets – March/April
- Construction Progress – Carpet/Wall paper: Interior material have been selected and presently the light fixtures are being checked.
- Programming – Betty White: This is the virtual program for May and the Titanic will be for June. (See Attachment)
- Programming – In house/SRP: Children’s special program dates have been organized and the newsletter will be mailed soon. (See Attachment)
- Broadband Committee: The Director attended two of these meetings and said it would be a slow process.
- AARP: About 65 seniors received their certificate which allows a discount from some insurance companies.
- Gardening: The gardening program was a great success with 30 citizens attending and the Vidalia Garden Club bringing cookies for the social.
- University of New Mexico Water Operator Pilot Program: This is a special grant to educate towns and parish water departments with information to improve their water supply.
- Humanities – The Other Louisiana Purchase Expeditions: The library filed a grant to have Joe Frank to present a program on two other expeditions that originated around the Concordia Parish area.
- 21st Century Community Grant: Several educators have written these grants to provide bussing from the summer school to the library for summer reading.
- Art Grant – MOS: The Director stated that 250 citizens attended and that was a great performance.
- Cupcakes & Conversations: The library was invited to participate in this event at Ferriday Jr. High. The Director complimented the discussion points such as friendship, writing a diary, personal hygiene, and other topics.
- Student worker: The library is participating with LaSalle Community Action to receive a graduate from Concordia Academy for the summer student worker.
- Summer Reading Program Consultant: The library hired Lisa Willard to conduct summer reading with the library personnel.
- Summer Reading Program T-shirt: The summer reading shirts are on sale for $5.00 and encouraged the Board to promote.
- Entergy Grant: The library received a $1,000 grant to purchase children’s books.
- E-Rate – 50 hotspots: The library has requested 25 more hotspots to be available for the citizens to check out.
- American Rescue Plan Act: The final report is being prepared to show the purchases of new computer equipment, iPads, books, and databases.
- Auditor: The last requested information was the Director’s travel sheets and they were submitted.
- Vacation Calls: Kathleen Stevens made the motion to pay for international calls while the Director was on vacation and Jill Britt seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Staff’s Health: The Director stated that two staff members are taking treatments and to think of them at this time.
- Lee – Juneteenth Celebration: The Board congratulated Mr. Lee on this honor and Mr. Lee spoke of his accomplishments that have made him proud to serve Concordia Parish.
- Genealogy Collection: The Director told of an inquiry by a person who is questioning the will of the person who donated the genealogy collection.
- In closing the director stated several additional items (no action was needed):
- Ferriday and Vidalia Police Department agreed to pass by the library when children were coming into the summer programs. A schedule was provided for each department.
- The millage was approved by the Jury to keep the millage as is, not to roll forward.
- The Moroney Bookmobile company has located a freightliner chassis. Due to changes of the EPA, a gasoline engine will need to be considered. One Board member requested information on an electric vehicle.